Tantri Theme In Children's Glass Painting In The Batubelah Art Space Community In Supporting Creative Industrie


  • Sri Supriyatini


Glass Painting, Tantri, Batubelah Art Space


               The Batubelah Art Space glass painting community, was founded in 2007 by I Wayan Sujana "Suklu" the artist from the Lepang Kangin vilage, Klungkung. It  consist of 15 children’s member, they aged 8- 18 years. The process of learning to paint by giving a freedom in creation and expression, such as determining ideas, themes, and forms. This community has product specifications utilizing waste glass, such as door marks, windows, ship lights, glass tiles as a media for painting. The problems of this members community are  after they are adults do not paint anymore, but they work or study outside the arts, the reason being that they cannot rely on a living by selling glass paintings. Since its establishment until now it has exhibited 7 times in several famous Balinese galleries.To producing artwork, the community has a place to sale handicrafts, called CV "Batubelah", because of no good managed professionally and lacks knowledge about marketing management, this community does not experience significant development.By looking at these problems, it is necessary to develop the theme of the Tantri story and use disposable objects such as glass, plates, bowls as a media for painting, as well as souvenir objects, and marketing management to work together to build a creative industry in the glass painting community, as the form of artistic potential based on local wisdom, and can create jobs in the arts. The Tantri story was chosen the story of "Pedanda Baka and Turtles and Geese " which had existed in Bali for several centuries, containing ethical and moral education values, such as honesty, tolerance, hard work and mutual cooperation. This value is needed by the community, especially the younger generation, as a milestone in national identity.



How to Cite

Supriyatini, S. (2019). Tantri Theme In Children’s Glass Painting In The Batubelah Art Space Community In Supporting Creative Industrie. Sandyakala : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Seni, Kriya, Dan Desain, 1, 171–180. Retrieved from https://eproceeding.isidps.ac.id/index.php/sandyakala/article/view/53

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