Video sebagai Media Promosi Monkey Forest Ubud pasca Pandemi (Video as a Promotion Media for Ubud Monkey Forest during the Pandemic)


  • Made Ayu Pradnya Antari Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Kata Kunci:

video, media sosial, promosi, semiotika, social media, promotion, semiotics



Dibukanya kembali Monkey Forest Ubud menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa sektor pariwisata Bali mulai bangkit dari keterpurukan yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi Covid-19. Berbagai upaya dan kerjasama pun dilakukan untuk kembali mendatangkan para wisatawan ke pulau Bali dan Monkey Forest Ubud. Salah satu upaya promosi tersebut dikemas dalam video IGTV oleh salah satu brand perjalanan domestik terbesar di Indonesia yakni Traveloka. Sebagai seorang desainer yang membidangi Desain Komunikasi Visual, penulis mencermati video IGTV yang terfokus pada mempromosikan dibukanya kembali Monkey Forest Ubud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Traveloka menyelipkan makna-makna tersirat dalam sebuah video IGTV sebagai media promosi Monkey Forest Ubud di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan analisis semiotika yang melalui tiga tahapan yaitu: tahap analisis denotasi yang menunjukkan bahwa pasa video terdapat seorang wisatawan wanita sedang berwisata di Monkey Forest Ubud, analisis konotasi yang menunjukkan bahwa video IGTV Traveloka berupaya meyakinkan masyarakat terutama wisatawan domestik bahwa Monkey Forest Ubud aman untuk dikunjungi di masa pandemi Covid-19, dan analisis mitos bahwa penggunaan sosok wanita pada video lebih efektif menarik perhatian khalayak umum.



The reopening of the Ubud Monkey Forest is proof that the tourism sector in Bali is starting to rise from the downturn caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Various efforts and collaborations were made to bring tourists back to the island of Bali and Ubud Monkey Forest. One of these promotional efforts is packaged in an IGTV video by one of the largest domestic travel brands in Indonesia, namely Traveloka. As a designer who is in charge of Visual Communication Design, the writer looks at IGTV videos which focus on promoting the reopening of Ubud Monkey Forest. This research aims to find out how Traveloka inserts implied meanings in an IGTV idea as a promotional medium for Monkey Forest Ubud during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This research uses semiotic analysis which goes through three stages, namely: the denotation analysis stage which shows that in the video there is a female tourist visiting Ubud Monkey Forest, connotation analysis which shows that the IGTV Traveloka video seeks to convince the public, especially domestic tourists, that Ubud Monkey Forest is safe to visit during the Covid-19 pandemic, and analysis of the myth that the use of female figures on video is more effective in attracting the attention of the general public.




Cara Mengutip

Antari, M. A. P. (2021). Video sebagai Media Promosi Monkey Forest Ubud pasca Pandemi (Video as a Promotion Media for Ubud Monkey Forest during the Pandemic). SANDI : Seminar Nasional Desain, 1, 200–207. Diambil dari

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