Video Atraktif sebagai Media Promosi Pariwisata Aman dan Nyaman di Tengah Pandemi COVID-19 (Attractive Video as Promotion Media for a Comfortable and Safe Tourism during COVID-19 Pandemic)
Kata Kunci:
tourism, audiovisuals, COVID-19, BaliAbstrak
Mantan Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Wishnutama Kusubandio, mengatakan bahwa kunci keberhasilan dalam membangkitkan kembali pariwisata di dalam negeri saat pandemi COVID-19 ini harus memperhatikan tiga aspek utama, yakni rasa aman, sehat dan nyaman yang kemudian akan menjadi tolak ukur kepercayaan para wisatawan, baik domestik maupun mancanegara. Penulis telah melakukan studi kasus bagaimana bidang ilmu Desain Komunikasi Visual dapat mempromosikan pariwisata, khususnya di Bali, yang didasari tiga aspek tersebut. Adapun tujuan dilakukannya studi kasus ini, yaitu untuk mengetahui media yang cocok dalam mempromosikan pariwisata Bali di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Hasil survei yang dilakukan melalui penyebaran survei daring kepada 115 orang mengemukakan bahwa kelompok masyarakat produktif lebih memilih audiovisual, seperti video, sebagai sarana promosi karena dianggap menarik serta video dapat menjelaskan lebih mendalam dan lebih mudah untuk ditangkap oleh indra manusia. Berdasarkan hasil pilihan terbanyak, video promosi tersebut baik disebarkan melalui media sosial Instagram dan Tik Tok karena dianggap media sosial tersebut banyak digunakan oleh semua kalangan masyarakat.
Kata kunci: Pariwisata, Bali, COVID-19, Audiovisual
The Previous Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, said that the key to success in reviving tourism in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic must pay attention to three main aspects, namely a sense of security, health and comfort which then becomes a measure of the trust of tourists, both domestic and foreign. The authors conducted a case study of how the field of DKV science could promote tourism, especially Bali, based on these three aspects. The purpose of conducting this case study is to find out suitable media in promoting Bali tourism in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Online survey was conducted and revealed 115 people suggest that productive community groups prefer audiovisuals such as video as a means of promotion because they are considered attractive and videos can explain more deeply and are easier for the human senses to grasp. Based on the most selected results, the promotional video is best distributed through Instagram and Tik Tok social media because it is considered that social media is widely used by all people.
Keywords : Tourism, Bali, COVID-19, Audiovisuals