Women's Visual Perception of the Earthquake Socialization Design in Indonesia


  • Puspita Yuli Pradita


earthquake, women, visual perception, sosialization media


Indonesia lies on “The Ring of Fire” area, which means all Indonesian citizens are required to be more prepared for the possibility of a tectonic plate shift that results in an earthquake every minute. Many socialization and information about the Earthquake that has been distributed in various media both digital and print. However, for the majority of people, this has not been very effective, especially for women. Started by opening the Focus Discussion Group which contained 4 people from the field of Visual Communication Design and also the HSE (Healthy and Safety, Environment) field about integrating Work Safety Information with visualization and highlighting the differences in visual perception from female and male audiences as the context. The next thing that was taken was collecting some visual samples and grouping them into 5 categories that had visual similarities analyzed from the visual elements. This underlies further research to use the Quantitative method by taking answers from 150 women who are targeted as audiences. 150 female respondents were confronted with 15 questions regarding their awareness, preparedness, and visual perception of the earthquake sosialization media. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using the Likert method. The results found the types of visuals that work for women for consideration in the making of socialization for women market in Indonesia.



How to Cite

Yuli Pradita, P. (2019). Women’s Visual Perception of the Earthquake Socialization Design in Indonesia. Sandyakala : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Seni, Kriya, Dan Desain, 1, 310–318. Retrieved from https://eproceeding.isidps.ac.id/index.php/sandyakala/article/view/70

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